
SKU: POL850TEXT-1 Category: Tags: , , , , , ,



These machines are very sensitive to the overall set up and load from clutching and traction specifically. Mixing and matching parts from company to company is not advised and will more than likely lead to a poor running machine. 91 Non-Oxy Gas is must as the sled’s performance really suffers when running in Ethanol mode. Customers riding in California or other areas where 91 Octane Non-Oxy Gas is not available, we highly suggest adding some 100 LL AV Gas to your pump gas so you do not have to run in Ethanol mode.

As we have gotten more time on these machines, we are learning a lot more about them and what they like and do not like.

Available components and recommended combinations:

VR1 / Assault Boost:

Stage 1: Stock or Speedwerx Lightweight Muffler, and Hypershift Clutch Kit. Optional Intake Vent and Panel Vents also available.

Stage 2: Speedwerx Stage 2 – 91 Non-Oxy Pump Gas ECU Tune, Stock or Speedwerx Lightweight Muffler, Hypershift Clutch Kit and High Flow Intake Vent. Optional Panel Vents also available.

Stage 2.5: Speedwerx Stage 2.5 – 91 Non-Oxy Pump Gas ECU Tune, Stock or Speedwerx Lightweight Muffler,Hypershift Clutch Kit and High Flow Intake Vent. Optional Panel Vents also available.

Stage 3: Speedwerx 100 LL AV Gas ECU Tune- Availability TBA, more details to come.

Stage 4: Speedwerx 110 Octane Race Gas ECU Tune- currently seeing 108mph in 575′ in Lake Race trim. Availability TBA, more details to come.

Stage 5: Availability TBA, more details to come.


Mufflers: Our L2 and Standard Lightweight Mufflers are working great on all the available power levels. Stage 4 may only work with the L2 muffler option (more info to come on this). We have seen issues with other mufflers on the market as they do not flow as good as the stock system, and they have a higher back pressure which throws the mapping and tuning off and makes the sleds more prone to having run-ability issues.

Clutching:  We focused a lot on throttle response and acceleration with our setups. Our Hypershfit Clutch Kits are designed for everyday trail use, we like to run these at 8100-8300 rpm for these conditions.  When lake racing or drag racing we are finding best results at 8050-8150 but the are a lot more prone to throwing knock codes when pulled down harder. They are more fun to ride on the trail running at the 8100-8300 rpm range though for sure.

Venting: The High Flow Intake Vent POL850T-HFI really helps the intake get even more fresh air, which helps the machines run more consistent and lowers the intake temps slightly. This also helps in deep snow conditions when the stock intake vents plug off your machine still has a good source of intake air.  This helps prevent bogging and runability issues when this situation occurs. For Panel Vent kits there are 4 options for the RMK models and 4 for the Indy models. They help keep the temps down underhood, which leads to better performance, lower clutch and belt temps, and lower intake temps. See Related Products below for more details.

Pipe Springs:  For sure under higher boost settings, you need to double up the springs on the pipe to the y-pipe.  Even on models with a stock tune this will be a good upgrade- order quantity 3 of pn ATV-SS. Even with 1 PSI of extra boost we have seen the pipe push of the manifold and cause issues.